Saturday, December 9, 2006

My Studio


~Mo'a~ said...

How proud am I?.....well done it looks the template. You go girl :)

S. Nicolas Originals said...

Oh I love the layout of your studio! Beautiful blog.

Adele Sciortino, ODACA said...

Thank you for visiting my blog. The studio is new and there is another section to it, which I will post later on. The winters are long in Montreal and wanted a nice bright room to work in with lots of light.
Happy Holidays!!!

Judi W. said...

Oh my gosh - HOW do you keep it so neat and clean??????

Adele Sciortino, ODACA said...

Judi - Thanks for stopping by. The studio was just finished and everything was in place. I did a massive clean up in all areas of the studio and now have everything in place and in boxes and labeled so I can find things. When I am working on a project it does get pretty messy but I do keep it picked up.

Nancy Jo said...

Thanks you for letting me visit your blog. Love your studio